Vape Your Way to a Flavorful World

Jan 2, 2024

Introduction: Welcome to BH Vapers

Welcome to BH Vapers, your ultimate destination for all things vape-related. Here at BH Vapers, we aim to provide a comprehensive range of vape devices, e-liquids, and accessories that cater to the diverse needs of the vaping community. In this article, we will dive into the language associated with vaping, exploring the terms and phrases commonly used by vapers worldwide. Buckle up and get ready to embark on a flavorful journey.

The Art of Vaping: Exploring the Terminology

1. Vape

At the heart of the vaping experience lies the word "vape" itself. Used as both a verb and a noun, it refers to the act of using a vaporizer or an electronic cigarette. For example, you might say, "I'm going to vape this delicious e-liquid" or "Do you have a spare vape?". It encapsulates the essence of the vaping community, representing the shared enjoyment and camaraderie among vapers.

2. E-liquid

When it comes to vaping, e-liquid, or vape juice, takes center stage. This liquid is vaporized inside a vape device and usually contains nicotine and a variety of flavors. This amalgamation of nicotine and flavors allows vapers to personalize their vaping experience to their preferences. From refreshing fruits to decadent desserts, there's an e-liquid for every taste bud. For instance, you might hear someone say, "I prefer fruity e-liquids" or "What's the nicotine level in this e-liquid?". Discovering new e-liquids is like embarking on a culinary adventure, but instead of tasting, you're vaping.

3. Coil

Inside every vape device, you'll find a crucial component known as the coil. Acting as the heating element, the coil vaporizes the e-liquid, transforming it into the delightful clouds of vapor that vapers love. Just like any other heating element, coils eventually wear out and need replacement. One might say, "I need to replace the coil in my vape" or "This coil is producing great flavor." The coil serves as the catalyst that brings your e-liquid to life, making each vaping session a flavorful experience worth savoring.

4. Clouds

One of the mesmerizing aspects of vaping is the creation of clouds. Yes, we're not talking about cloudy weather here! Clouds in the vaping world refer to the visible vapor produced when exhaling from a vape device. Enthusiasts take pride in producing dense and impressive clouds, showcasing their vaping prowess. You might hear comments like, "He can blow massive clouds with his vape" or "That device is designed for big cloud production." Cloud chasing has become an art form within the vaping community, with vapers constantly pushing the boundaries of vapor production.

5. Sub-ohm

If you're looking for a vaping technique that takes flavor and vapor production to the next level, sub-ohm vaping might be your next venture. Sub-ohm refers to a vaping style where the resistance of the coil is below 1 ohm, resulting in increased vapor production and intensified flavor. Vapers who embrace this technique love the robust clouds and enhanced taste it offers. You might hear enthusiasts say, "I love sub-ohm vaping" or "This tank is perfect for sub-ohm coils." Sub-ohm vaping allows you to dive deeper into the captivating world of flavor and vapor.

6. Nic Salts

For vapers seeking an alternative to traditional freebase nicotine, nic salts emerged as a game-changer. Nic salts are e-liquids that contain nicotine salts, providing a smoother nicotine hit compared to their freebase counterparts. With nic salts, users can experience a more impactful nicotine kick without sacrificing the overall vaping experience. Many vapers swear by nic salts and their suitability for pod devices. You might hear avid users say things like, "I prefer nic salts e-liquids for a stronger nicotine kick" or "Nic salts are ideal for pod devices." Nic salts offer vapers a world of possibilities for a more satisfying vape.

7. Dripper

If you're looking to maximize flavor and customization, the dripper is a vaping device worth considering. Unlike regular tanks, drippers allow the user to manually drip e-liquid onto the coil and wick, resulting in a more direct and intense vaping experience. Vapers who choose drippers enjoy the ability to fine-tune their flavors and achieve unparalleled vapor production. You'll often hear comments like, "He's using a dripper to get the best flavor" or "I'm considering getting a dripper for more control." The dripper epitomizes the artistry and precision that can be achieved in the world of vaping.


As you venture into the world of vaping, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the language and terminology that the vaping community embraces. From the act of vaping itself, through the various flavors and techniques, to the tools and devices that shape the experience, exploring these terms will enhance your vaping journey. At BH Vapers, we are here to guide you and provide the best products to support your vaping endeavors. Step into the realm of vaping and discover the vast array of flavors, techniques, and devices waiting to be explored.